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Deploying and running

Section Goal
  • deploy Hello World smart contract
  • run dApp using hardhat console and interpret results :::


By now, we have completed the implementation of our Hello World dApp. However, in order to effectively run it, we still need to deploy it to an Ethereum network that includes the Cartesi Compute smart contract. To that end, we'll make use of the local development network already running within our Cartesi Compute SDK Environment.


To deploy our contract to the local development network, we'll use hardhat-deploy.

We'll start by creating a deploy directory:

mkdir deploy

Now, create a file called 01_contracts.ts within that directory with the following contents:

import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { DeployFunction } from "hardhat-deploy/types";

const func: DeployFunction = async (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
const { deployments, getNamedAccounts } = hre;
const { deploy, get } = deployments;
const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts();

const CartesiCompute = await get("CartesiCompute");
await deploy("HelloWorld", {
from: deployer,
log: true,
args: [CartesiCompute.address],

export default func;

This TypeScript code uses the hardhat-deploy plugin to publish our contract to the local Ethereum network specified by the hardhat.config.ts file. Note that Hardhat allows this script to easily retrieve the Cartesi Compute contract already deployed there, so as to pass its address as a parameter to the deploy method. Hardhat will use this parameter as an argument when calling the HelloWorld's constructor we defined before. As a final observation, we specify the deployer named account (also defined in hardhat.config.ts) to be used for submitting the deployment transaction.

With this all set up, move back to the project's home directory and execute the following command to deploy our dApp:

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost

This will effectively compile our smart contract and deploy it to the local network. Please refer to the documentation for more information about using the hardhat-deploy plugin.

Running the dApp

Now that we have everything in place, we can finally try out our Hello World dApp. To do so, we'll start Hardhat's console by running:

npx hardhat console --network localhost

To check that we are indeed connected to the local Cartesi Compute SDK Environment, we can retrieve the configured named accounts to verify that alice's and bob's addresses are as expected:

> { alice, bob } = await getNamedAccounts()
deployer: '0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266',
alice: '0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266',
bob: '0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8'

At this point, we can acquire a reference to our deployed HelloWorld dApp and instantiate a computation to be carried out off-chain by alice's and bob's Cartesi Compute nodes:

> hw = await ethers.getContract("HelloWorld")
> tx = await hw.instantiate([alice, bob])

This will trigger the computation, which can take a couple of minutes to run with Cartesi Compute's default settings.

As can be seen by the getResult implementation discussed in the previous section, to query a computation's results we should use the index value returned by the instantiate method. This is straightforward when calling that method from another contract, but clients such as ethers and web3 cannot immediately retrieve return values from transactions. Fortunately, Cartesi Compute emits events for each computation step, and thus it is possible to retrieve our index from the creation event.

In Ethers, the events emitted by a transaction are included in the returned transaction receipt after its wait() method is called. Since the payload of the Cartesi Compute creation event is the index value itself, we can retrieve it by simply executing the following command within the console:

> index = (await tx.wait()).events[0].data

In possession of that index, we can then immediately query our Hello World dApp to ask for current results:

> result = await hw.getResult(index)
[ false, true, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '0x' ]

As noted in the previous section, the first false boolean value indicates that the results are not ready yet, while the second true boolean value confirms that the computation is still running. Furthermore, the third entry corresponds to an empty address, meaning that there is no user to blame for any abnormal interruption of the computation. Finally, the last entry corresponds to the result value itself, which is still empty as expected.

After a while, we can query again the results and get a different response:

> result = await hw.getResult(index)

This response confirms that the computation has completed and that results are available. The last entry contains a bytes value that corresponds to the result contents. We can inspect it by using an ethers utility method to interpret those bytes as a string:

> console.log(ethers.utils.toUtf8String(result[3]))
'Hello World!'

And there it is! We have successfully used Cartesi Compute to execute an off-chain computation, validate it, and make its results available to on-chain code.

We can exit the Hardhat console now by typing:

> .exit

In the subsequent sections, we will explore additional features of the Cartesi Compute SDK and build more sophisticated and useful dApps.

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