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Retrieving result

Section Goal
  • implement smart contract getResult method to retrieve computation results from Cartesi Compute :::

Once the computation has been instantiated, we need a means to effectively retrieve its result within our smart contract.

To do so, we will implement the following getResult method in the HelloWorld.sol file located within the helloworld/contracts directory.

function getResult(uint256 index) public view returns (bool, bool, address, bytes memory) {
return cartesiCompute.getResult(index);

This method receives as argument an uint256 index, which should have been previously returned by an instantiate method call. This pattern allows for several computations of the same type to be carried out simultaneously.

The body of the function simply calls the corresponding method in the Cartesi Compute smart contract, returning its results. As can be noted in the method signature, the result value corresponds to a 4-tuple, whose meaning is the following:

  • the first bool value indicates whether the result is ready;
  • the second bool value indicates if the computation is still running or not;
  • address corresponds to the address of the user to blame if the computation stops abnormally;
  • bytes contains the actual result of the computation.

With all of that set, our complete smart contract should look like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "@cartesi/compute-sdk/contracts/CartesiComputeInterface.sol";

contract HelloWorld {

CartesiComputeInterface cartesiCompute;

bytes32 templateHash = 0xe2809d82cbec43a4be2280cadeb89b981d738685a754422e69d318560062a3ad;
uint64 outputPosition = 0x9000000000000000;
uint8 outputLog2Size = 5;
uint256 finalTime = 1e11;
uint256 roundDuration = 51;
CartesiComputeInterface.Drive[] drives;

constructor(address cartesiComputeAddress) {
cartesiCompute = CartesiComputeInterface(cartesiComputeAddress);

function instantiate(address[] memory parties) public returns (uint256) {
return cartesiCompute.instantiate(

function getResult(uint256 index) public view returns (bool, bool, address, bytes memory) {
return cartesiCompute.getResult(index);

In the next section, we'll finally deploy and run our dApp, and then we'll explore actual examples of return values for the getResult method.

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