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Technial Evolution Plan

Technical Evolution Plan

This collaborative initiative is shaping the further development and progression of Cartesi's protocol technology through a technical evolution plan. It stands as a dynamic, evolving technical roadmap, maintained by the Technical Vision Council and created through a decentralized process driven by Cartesi contributors, ecosystem grantees, and the broader community.

At a Glance

Learn more about the ecosystem’s process for creating the Technical Evolution Plan, a new approach in decentralized coordination and governance for the Cartesi community here.

R&D, Decentralization and Design Space Expansion

Continuous technical research, stack design, and development of new technologies committed to positioning Cartesi at the forefront of Web3 innovation and decentralization.

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Modularity and Integrations

Active developments within the modular blockchain architecture: Integrations of Cartesi's execution layer with DA layers, sequencers, blockchain naming systems, and more.

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Infrastructure and Support for Mainnet Applications

Ongoing focus on a suite of tools necessary to provide infrastructure, maintenance, and support components for decentralized applications deploying on L1 or L2 mainnets.

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Convenience and Tooling

Implementation of a set of features aiming to enhance the developer experience through convenience tooling that eases Cartesi dApp creation and deployment.

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Futuristic Experimentations

Pilot developments aimed at challenging and expanding Cartesi's technical boundaries at the convergence of various other technologies, in a quest for trailblazing innovations.

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