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ETHGlobal New York 2023 Cartesi Recap

ETHGlobal New York 2023 Cartesi Recap

Hackathon/Sep 28, 2023/SIANNIE QUARTERO

And there we were, all pumped up and ready to hit the Big Apple for another epic ETHGlobal hackathon! We were stoked to dive into the action-packed event, building alongside some of the most innovative minds in Web3. And with 950 hackers, from 49 countries, and 305 projects submitted, you know it was a good one!

Connecting with the Vibrant Web3 Community NYC

After establishing incredible connections in Paris, it was a no-brainer that we wanted to recreate the magic in such a magical city as New York! With the hackathon right around the corner, we rolled up our sleeves and got busy building lasting connections with the vibrant Web3 community in the city that never sleeps. We knew what we had to do - it was time to get involved in some seriously epic side events!

And epic they were, starting off with Epic Layer 2 Day! We joined forces once more with Epic Web3 for another epic day of L2 fun. This one-day extravaganza was all about diving deep into Ethereum L2 Scaling for builders. Once again, core contributor Claudio brought his A-game as the host, keeping the crowd hooked and entertained, And then there’s Gabriel, who was our superstar hosting the workshop on Cartesi tech. Not just that, Bruno also joined the fun, joining a panel to discuss everything Web3 scaling and L2 innovations! All in all, we had an absolute blast!

We teamed up with Venture Miner for a workshop in preparation for the ETHGlobal hackathon to get them up to speed with Cartesi tech! Core contributor Gabriel took the reign, leading the workshop. Oh, and there was pizza 🍕.

Game mode on

The booth had just the right thing for those hackers who needed a breather from staring at walls of code! Cartesi’s World Arcade was available at the booth, together with DOOM, Ultrachess, and Dazzle! What’s so cool about the World Arcade you ask? The World Arcade can replay gameplay logs sent by the players for verification for any game it knows, which leads to genuinely trusted score leaderboards and tournaments! You can check out more here.

With the success of DOOM at ETHGlobal Paris, we had to bring it back to let the gamers of New York have a crack at it! Curious to hear more about the games available at the booth? Core contributor Carlo explains it all in this short:

P.S. dive deeper into the buzz surrounding DOOM and discover why it’s capturing everyone’s attention in this handy thread from Cartesi co-founder, Erick.

Or perhaps a recharge?

And let’s not overlook the Recharge Station! In order to provide a serene retreat for all the hardworking builders throughout the demanding days of the ETHGlobal hackathon, we had massage therapists on-site, ready to soothe those tense muscles!

Cartesi had massage therapists on-site at ETHGlobal NYC ready to soothe those tense muscles!

Let’s also take a moment to appreciate the setting, decorated to ensure you feel zen during the bustling hackathon. Comfortable seating and natural accents made the space come together, ensuring a comfortable space for hackers to wind down.

And so, let’s kick off the #BUIDLing with Cartesi

Let’s start by giving a massive shoutout core contributors: Jathin, Shaheen, Gabriel, Claudio and Carlo! Offering top-notch tech support and getting deep into the details, these guys were available throughout the whole hackathon, all while wearing a smile on their faces! Combined with their efforts, hackers on the Cartesi track rolled out some seriously amazing projects for the Ethereum community. Hats off to all of you for your fantastic work and keeping the vibes high! 🙌

Another shoutout goes to Gabriel for leading the amazing workshop Make it Rain Billions/tx on a Linux VM. During this session, he showcased how to write DApps with the programming languages you already know and Linux tooling while experiencing the power of billion CPU cycle transactions. Missed it? We got the replay right here:

I mean, look at what a happy guy he is! 😁

Let’s not forget to give a big shoutout to the very tiny mic champ, Claudio! He was the one chasing down all those awesome builders who were busy #BUIDLing amazing projects with Cartesi. I always have a blast editing these and seeing what is being built. In case you missed them, you can rewatch them here:

And finally... the winners!

Time to highlight our champions!

🥇 Congratulations on our first-place winner: Teach AI

The application uses Cartesi to enable users to submit instructions and queries to an AI chat interface. Users are given the opportunity to evaluate two responses to their query, establishing a motivating system for the curation of high-quality RLHF data.

Check it out here: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/teachai-pkr1z

🥈 Congratulations to our second-place winner: Godot Onchain

This project showcases the use of Cartesi to validate leaderboard submissions in single-player, arcade-style games. Players send their high scores, accompanied by a gameplay log, to the Godot server running on Cartesi. The game server then replays their gameplay log to verify the authenticity of their score.

Take a look here: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/godot-onchain-0i1xx

🏅 Congratulations to our shared pool winners:

DeML - It uses Cartesi and blockchain tech to create a world where people can contribute to training a global machine learning model using their data locally.

Read up on it here: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/deml-wy8zo

Scam Likely - Inspired by phone providers flagging scam calls, it uses Cartesi to write a Python script that checks an EVM address and flags malicious addresses, helping the user prevent getting scammed.

More on it here: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/scam-likely-gxvpf

💫 Honorable mention

A huge shout out to 4 core contributors Felipe, Danilo, Zach, and Eduardo for securing ETHGlobal’s Top 10 finalist spot with their epic project DOOM Arena!

This project introduces a novel approach to hosting gaming contests, and DOOM is only an example. These competitions operate entirely on the blockchain and follow a decentralized model, opening up fresh opportunities within the game developer ecosystem. Game developers and influencers can kickstart competitions featuring their games, enticing participants with attractive prize pools to drive engagement and excitement!

Check it out here: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/doom-arena-hmu4j

Curious to hear it directly from them? Catch them on stage during the closing ceremony:

And just like that, we conclude another incredible hackathon with ETHGlobal! It’s truly inspiring to witness the enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the potential of Cartesi technology. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of Web3!

We want to express our sincere gratitude to every single participant who poured their talent, dedication, and innovative spirit into this event. Hopefully, Cartesi played a role in making the hackathon a bit more enjoyable by offering some relaxation amidst the productive chaos. The projects created using Cartesi were impressive and remarkable, to say the least, and inspiring with a wide range of ideas! You all are enhancing the dynamic Ethereum ecosystem. How exciting is that?

Next on the list, and last one for us for this year 📍ETHGlobal Istanbul. We hope to see you there!

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